Altura > Products

Our Products

We have evolved in the consolidation of products which contribute to technological improvement, focusing on strengthening our value proposition, backing up the operations and business of our clients.

All of our solutions are scalable vertically and horizontally, and allow our clients to focus them both specifically and globally.

With this vision, we group our solutions into suites or co-existing ecosystems which allow our clients to adopt them into their businesses, from medium companies to multinational corporations.



Customer Relationship Management

ACRM, APortal, AStore, AClient, APay, AServices, ANC, AMeter, ABilling, ACad, ASteps, ABinn


Client portal, order placement, request placement, claim placement, commercial regulations, commercial processes, process traceability, management reports, tabular and spatial indicators, mobile app for clients, integration of payment button, client management mobile app, electronic notification management, management of test banks and measurements.

Transaccional Comercial

Structure of products and services, rates, invoices, collection, clients cadastre and estates, reports, indicators, installations, and deliveries.

Process Manager

Organizational structuring, mailbox by user or profile, task planner or events, task re-assigning by user or profile, zero papers, electronic archive, process and task audits, bottleneck control, task assigning methods, management traceability, integration with external systems, task and efficiency notifications, notification scalability, process management reports, traceability indicators.

File Manager

Electronic files, indexing and digitalization


Electronic documents, electronic signature, codification, electronic approval, electronic invoicing, BlockChain.


BPM & Certifier

Business Process Management & Digital Certifier

ABPM, ACore, AFlow, ACalendar, ACount, AMonitor, AReports, ADashboards, ADtv, AFile, ACertifier, ADocs, ASign, AMailApproval, ABill, AChain, ASteps



Geoespacial & Data Services

AGis, AMS, AAnalyzer, APlanner, AMobile, AGisLite, ABit, ASteps, AReader, APS, ASteps

Spatial Data Manager

Multi-origin spatial layers, real time visualization, alerts and alarms, geo fences, mobility regulations, analysis and spatial consulting, analysis and transactional consulting, traceability and monitoring.


Transactional switch, multi origin, multi destiny, multi regulation, multi element IoT, alarms and additional alerts, transaction audits, reading and control of intelligent gauges, reading and control of IoT managers, device manager, AIS, DMS, GPS

Enterprise and Institutional Structure

Accounting, treasury, budget, budget reforms, inventory, fixed assets, payroll, staff marks, financial reports, balances and financial status, management indicators, Suite CRM integration, Suite BPM integration



Enterprise Resource Planning

ACore, ACount, AFinancial, ACedi, AAssets, AThi, AGovernment, ASteps, ATreex


Altura has levels of licensing adapted to the reality and vision of the market and our clients, which can be accessed on the different bases:

  • Annual subscription
  • License limited by user, processor, or operation status
  • Perpetual and limited license
  • Perpetual and unlimited license
  • By transaction
  • By monthly flat rate

Technological validity and license protection

Once an organization has invested in Altura applications or has obtained licensing, surges the vital need of the applications and platforms maintaining the technological validity that guarantees effective functioning, fulfilling the daily needs of the organization, technical changes, market evolution, and global standards.

This is how Altura maintains a constant Research and Development program, which has structured a framework of constant evolution of products, protecting the investment with support, maintenance, updates, and contingency plans.